12 Mar 2014

What volume is "one onion"?

Submitted by susan
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Many times a recipe calls for "one onion, chopped". Onions vary in size, so what exactly does that mean? Well, it's a matter of personal taste. Evaluate your shopping habits; you probably almost always buy onions that are similar in size. Pick the size that is most common in your kitchen, chop it, and measure volume in a measuring cup. If you're satisfied with the amount of flavor that size onion gives a dish calling for one onion, that's your go-to; if you think it adds too much onion flavor, make a habit of buying smaller onions. Conversely, buy larger onions if you want more flavor.


Ive been told that yellow onions are suited for long cooked dishes like gumbo and that white onions are best suited for short cooked dishes or raw, for ex a salsa.

Can u expand on this?

Best Regards,

Susan Ford, Publisher

Louisiana Kitchen & Culture

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